Sunday, July 25, 2010


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SEX is not just a physical act to relive sexual tension. Having sex can cause very strong EMOTIONS. Sometimes a teenager (or even some adults) may only realize this after having sex.

It is for this reason that people (especially teenagers) should carefully think about the consequences of having sex well before they actually do it. Sexual intercourse is the most INTIMATE thing that two people can do.

When having sex, it is said that two bodies become one. Sex can cause strong feelings for both people; and females will most likely feel this strongest. A female teen should carefully think about the possibility of having sex, because once she does, it cannot be ERASED. If her partner is not MATURE enough to handle the emotions that will occur, she may find she will dearly regret her decision. Sex can lead a person to feel that they are in love, or it can make the feelings of love stronger; a person should be sure a relationship is lasting before having sex.

A person (especially girls) should be sure that they can handle the emotions of sex and the responsibilities of sex before they have intercourse. Sex can be a wonderful thing; but there is no rush. Sex always has SOME consequences-when Adolf Hitler's mother spread her legs that night, she effectively canceled out the spreading of fifteen to twenty million other pairs of legs! One thing I've learned over the years is there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than to make love when you really don't feel it. We should always bear in mind that there’s no CONDOM for the BRAIN or the HEART. So when you have SEX (especially before marriage) you’re playing with fire that will most certainly BURN you at some point in your life… especially in your marriage relationship

We should refuse to take, exploit, cheapen, defraud, or substitute sexual activity for genuine LOVE and authentic intimacy. In order to understand this paradigm, we’ve got to remember that SEX is not exactly wrong and God is no PRUDE. Am saying sex is not necessarily a SIN to be avoided but a GIFT to be cherished. All of us want GENUINE intimacy. We want to have RELATIONSHIPS that matter. We long for someone to feel deeply loved because of us. We also want to be LOVED and CHERISHED and cared for by someone else. [In Ephesians 5:3-4, the Apostle] Paul says certain things will squelch and destroy love and break relationships. These are crucial warnings. If we are going to truly love somebody, then we should not take, exploit, or cheapen him or her. We should not engage in sexual activity to create PSEUDO-INTIMACY that’s false because we don’t really care and we’re not really COMMITTED. We should not substitute sex for authentic intimacy!

It is said that TESTOSTERONE (one of the hormones responsible for sex drive) is 20-40 per cent more prevalent in men than women. That’s why I liken men to an ELECTRIC LIGHT BULB — you flip a switch and on he goes. But all of us (especially men) need to learn to be LOVERS if we are to satisfy the needs of our (future) partners/wives!

And to the ladies, unless he puts a ring on it, or unless you are very SURE of him, please try as much as possible to give him absolutely no reason to presume you “belong” to him.


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Thursday, July 22, 2010


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Those who are SENSITIVE often feel WEAK. Those who feel STRONG are often INSENSITIVE. Some people are SENSITIVE to themselves but INSENSITIVE to others. They often feel the others are "BAD GUYS." Those who are sensitive to others but insensitive to themselves often end up feeling “poor me”.

Some conclude it’s better not to be sensitive, because SENSITIVITY brings PAIN. They shut off. But bear in mind, if you are not sensitive, you will lose all the finer things in life such as intuition, beauty and ecstasy of love.

Insensitive people usually do not recognize their WEAKNESS and those who are sensitive do not recognize that their sensitivity is their STRENGTH.

This path and this Knowledge make you strong and sensitive.

Sensitivity is INTUITION. Sensitivity is COMPASSION. Sensitivity is LOVE. Sensitivity is real STRENGTH: calmness, endurance, silence, “non-reactiveness”, confidence, faith and a smile.

Indeed, in our culture, 75 per cent of men are THINKERS and 75 per cent of women are FEELERS. Keep in mind that THINKERS have FEELINGS and FEELERS do think. It’s just that they PROCESS situations with a different focus. (In working this out in your marriage or relationship keep in mind that) the HEAD can easily HURT the heart and the HEART often appears IRRATIONAL to the head. Like so many differences, BALANCE is the key. Truth without sensitivity can be CRUEL even a sensitivity without truth can be misguided sentimentality. We need both truth and sensitivity.

So be both SENSITIVE and STRONG!
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Saturday, July 17, 2010


There was a man who saw a scorpion almost drowning in water. He decided to save it by stretching out his finger, but the scorpion stung him. The man still tried, but the scorpion stung him again. Another man nearby told him to stop saving the scorpion. But the man said, "It's the nature of the scorpion to sting, it's my nature to love. Why should I give up my nature to love just because it's the nature of the scorpion to sting?"

Dear ones, don’t ever give up caring, don't give up loving, and don’t give up your goodness even when everyone around you stings because the worst regret we can have in life is not for the wrong things we did, but for the right things we could have done but we never did.

You have to understand that you will never be able to control the way people feel or react to certain things; whatever you do, someone will CRITICIZE you. You will be BLAMED if you act and even if you don't act; if you speak, or don't speak. It’s in their NATURE so never let someone's NEGATIVE judgments of you RUIN your day or let you think LESS of yourself because they are the ones that have no idea who you really are. Let them snicker, laugh and make comments about you because they truly have no PLACE in your life anyways. Yes, they can CHANGE their behaviors and their attitudes, but their CHARACTER is who they are! Therefore, live life for you, live life like GOD would want you to, without worry, without fear, but with FAITH, DETERMINATION and PERSEVERANCE! Live to make you happy! After all, you're the only one that can live your life!

Indeed, you can't keep PLEASING everyone. If your focus is on finding shortcomings, either in yourself or in others, you cannot raise higher. Recognize that if someone gives a comment or criticizes, reflect on it. If there is some TRUTH, accept it. If not, then thank them and move on.

Don't ever let them tell you what you need to do or DICTATE to you. You are the only person who can tell what you want to do and where you want to be. Let your thinking be the tool for your success. Live the life you love and love the life you live but always remember GOD FIRST!

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Friday, July 16, 2010


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There are times when WORDS aren’t enough
FEELINGS can’t always be put into words;
because they are INADEQUATE and often ESCAPE us
sometimes, there are only FEELINGS.

There are times when all you need is a LOOK;
a silent, wordless connection between souls
an understanding that needs no translation
a natural, knowing stare that says everything.

There are times when all you need is a TOUCH;
nothing spoken - just the gesture of reaching out
touching, silently transferring your energy
conveying something that comes from within

There are times when all you need is ACCEPTANCE
to know that you are valued as you are
that any changes you make only enhance you more
as you discover yourself.

There are times when all you need is LOVE
no conditions or demands, only simplicity,
to know that for no reason at all
another chooses you over all others.

There are times when all you ever wanted,
was to be completed by another person.
There are times when you need all of these things
there are times when nothing else matters."
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

GOD SAYS "come to me"

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When TROUBLES make themselves PLENTY 
Leaving the cup of your LIFE half empty 
When WORRIES themselves number the MANY
And the bank of your JOY reaches its last PENNY
When you just want a FRIEND to HEAR

When the WALLS of your LIFE come crashing DOWN
And the SMILE of HOPE is but a FROWN
When the TEARS of SORROW dry upon your FACE
And the COMFORT you DESIRE vanishes without a TRACE
When you just want a FRIEND to SEE

When the LOSS of HOPE is too GREAT
And the MEANING in LIFE is just an empty PLATE
When the raging downfall is an endless RAIN
And the PUDDLES you step in are a stabbing PAIN
When you just want some SHELTER from the COLD

DEARIES, Only in GOD are we truly SAFE and SECURE. 
Anything else is false SECURITY, 
whether you are surrounded by mighty walls of STONE, 
a comfortable HOME or a secure JOB.
No one can predict what tomorrow may bring. 
Our relationship with God is the only security that cannot be
taken away.
INSPIRED BY Allen Steble's **COME TO ME** 
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Monday, July 12, 2010


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The beginning of TRUE LOVE is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to TWIST them to FIT our own image. Otherwise we only love the REFLECTION of ourselves we find in them.

Indeed, God could have created CLONES if He wanted SPOUSES to be CARBON COPIES of each other. Instead, He wants you and your UNIQUE QUALITIES to WORK with your spouse's unique characteristics. It's a bit like VISION. Close one eye; what happens? You lose depth perception cues. That's because you're VIEWING things from only one ANGLE. 

When you look with TWO eyes, the slightly different VANTAGE POINTS of each eye turn your vision into a 3-D experience. Instead of trying to make your mate “SEE THINGS YOUR WAY,” you can benefit from having different PERSPECTIVES. If you and your spouse view a situation from a slightly different vantage points, you can BLEND those views and see things more accurately than EITHER of you could INDIVIDUALLY! 

Women are especially GUILTY of expecting men to be EXACTLY like them. But couples need to ACCEPT that it's actually your DIFFERENCES that will maintain the PASSION in your relationship/marriage. In the beginning, you're often attracted to your SIMILARITIES, but as the relationship GROWS, it will be the CONTRASTS that keep it INTERESTING. Sure, it will CHALLENGE a couple, and ultimately FORCE them to respond to each other in new ways, but it's good to remember that humans are always in a state of FLUX, with things changing all the time. The more prepared you both are for ADJUSTMENTS, the SMOOTHER the RIDE will be.

Personally, i believe LOVE should be defined as “WHEN YOUR NEEDS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS MY NEEDS."  
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Thursday, July 8, 2010


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I learned to love someone with all my life, but there came a point when I got tired, not of LOVING but of SACRIFICING all that I have. Then a thought came to my mind... I have given everything but have received nothing but PAIN and TEARS in return. Was this enough to prove that I really love that person? Or was it a sign telling me to stop sacrificing and learn to love myself a little more? Indeed when it comes to love and RELATIONSHIPS, it's hard to know if you have the RIGHT one. Many PROMISES have been made, but still, lovers WEEP, and left in deep SORROW.


Indeed, when someone becomes a part of us, letting go is a LOSS we feel. We naturally don't like CHANGE and we don't like to feel SAD or LOSS so we tend to SETTLE for what makes us feel BETTER, even if it's in a FAILING situation and in our rational minds we know we shouldn't. You have to be WILLING to experience the loss and LET GO. You have to decide that you want more for yourself and when you have, that's when you begin to HEAL and time will do the rest.

All of us (human beings) want the same thing: to be loved and accepted and become happy. But while listening to the spiritual songs from any religious or spiritual path, we can always hear and sense the same soul-desire to stay connected with the source of creation, with the pure endless love. For us to be able to give and receive unconditional love, we have to LOVE OURSELVES WITH ALL OUR HEART! Only when we love ourselves, can we truly love others freely without fear or border. When we feel love within ourselves, we are connected with everything and everybody and we feel REAL BLISS.
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let us down probably will. You'll have your HEART BROKEN and you'll break others' hearts. You'll FIGHT with your best friend or maybe even FALL IN LOVE with them and you'll CRY because time is flying by. So LOVE YOURSELF MORE by taking too many pictures, laughing too often, forgiving freely, and LOVING like you've never been HURT.  After all, life comes with no guarantees, no time outs, and no second chances. So you just have to live life to the fullest, tell someone what they MEAN to you and tell someone off, speak out, dance in the pouring rain, hold someone's hand, COMFORT a friend, fall asleep watching the sun come up, stay up late, be a flirt, SMILE UNTIL YOUR FACE HURTS.! My point is, life is too short to wake up in the morning with REGRETS, so LOVE the people who treat you RIGHT, forget about the ones who don't; KISS the KISSERS, love the LOVERS, play the PLAYERS; FUCK the FUCKERS, and believe that everything happens for a REASON. Know a GOOD thing when you see it, and don't let it SLIP AWAY. If you get a CHANCE, take it. If it CHANGES your life, let it. Nobody said it would be EASY, they just said it would be WORTH it.
Know that you do not need to LOVE or be LOVED at the COST OF YOURSELF. The single relationship that is truly central and crucial in YOUR life is the relationship you have with YOURSELF. Of all the people you will know and encounter in your lifetime, YOU are the only one you will never LOSE so don't lose yourself because of an UNREQUITED LOVE  

Don't ever rush into falling in love, for love never runs out. Even if they mock you because you are single, just tell them this: "God is just busy writing the best love story that will sweep me off my feet!" If you find yourself in love with someone else who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just did not choose to rest in the other person's heart. Let it go. There's a reason and a meaning. You will know in time

Always remember that sometimes we have to ignore how we FEEL and realize what we DESERVE'S INSPIRING MESSAGES
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5 important PENCIL principles-LEAVE A MARK!

First, everything you do will always leave a markthat is to say in life, there are four things you can't get back. The stone, after the throw. The word, after it is said. The action, after it is done. And the time, after it has passed. So be careful of what you throw, of what you speak, of what you do and of what you let pass by. Because, though your footsteps may not always be loud, your footprints leave a silent message of where your soul has travelled!

 Second, you can always correct the mistakes you make; Your 'Past' is not your pass to fail. Do not allow what happened to you minutes ago, days ago, weeks ago, months ago or years ago be the reason for you not to strive towards success for your life. Stop looking for reasons to fail or finding fault with your lacking and slacking. Your past is past, your present is present and your future is all in your hands. Yes, you may not be able to turn back the hands of time and undo the wrongs you’ve done in the past but you can surely start now and make a brand new ending. It’s not how you start but how you end and just because the past is painful doesn’t mean the future will be the same, so never allow events of the past change the course of the future. You are who you are from your past. But you will be who/what you want to be from the creation of your future, which is in your hands. The past is lessons to learn. The present is opportunity to practice those lessons and the future is time to enjoy those lessons learned and practiced.

Third, what is important is what is inside you; Ultimately, throughout your life, you become either your own worst enemy or your own very best friend. This love or hate relationship is quietly inside each of us. This relationship with yourself affects everything that you do, every thought you have and choice of actions you take or don't take, daily. It is greatly linked to how you treat and love others in your life. This relationship with yourself is always against your self progression or it is for it.

Fourth, in life you will undergo painful sharpening which will make you a better pencil. I guess if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger. That is to say, you deal with whatever pain that you have by building a bridge over it with all the things that life hasn’t taken away from you. Indeed, with each tear comes a lesson that makes you wiser than before, a lesson that makes you stronger than you know, yes each tear brings you closer to your dreams.

And most important is, to be the best pencil you can be, you must allow yourself to be held and guided by the Hand that holds you. Through times of struggle and challenge, look to God; he uses these opportunities to teach and strengthen you. These challenges are great opportunities for your success as they bring out the best in you while you grow to appreciate the simplest things in life and possess the humility that God requires. A man was asked, "How can you believe in God when the world has many problems?" The man replied, "With all these problems, how can you possibly make it without God?" After you've done the best that you can do and you've spent all the passion, courage and effort you have, but things still seem out of reach, then this is the time for you to ask God if what you've tried to achieve is what He wants you to have. Because sometimes we waste our time chasing something that is not meant for us, while we ignore what God has prepared for us.

So whatever you do, always remember that we are like pencils, our true worth lies within us, we are in God's hands and he uses us, we are sharpened in life by events and situations but most importantly, we are expected to LEAVE A MARK!

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

individuality-BE UNIQUE!

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Individuality speaks the words of the soul; a blueprint specific to one's path in life. It is defined in more ways than just how one dresses and goes far deeper than the unique characteristics of one's superficial self. Though it is very easy to be persuaded by the thoughts and dreams of someone else, the only outcome in that is losing one's self completely. It is always best to create your own footprints on this world than try to follow and fill the footprints left by others.

There is nothing extraordinary about choosing the path of least resistance; the road is crowded and the outcome is common! Success is never rewarding if you ride the coat tails of another's aspirations. There is no harm in collective thoughts or a shared dream as long as the journey is an individual one and it is in harmony with your spirit. Commit to staying true to whoever you are, whatever you believe, and wherever you dream of being!

Indeed, each person's path in life is never IDENTICAL; everyone's path is UNIQUE. For each of us travel our own roads toward our DESTINY but it's the CHOICES on the paths we take that dictate the direction of what our lives are destined for. We just have to have faith in knowing that GOD paved a way despite all the NEGATIVITY for us to follow... to our destiny.

You can’t succeed in your life by living another person’s life. You’re not them; you’re YOU. Don’t sabotage your destiny through fake pretences. God created you unique; don’t live as a cheap imitation. Find your place. Sing your song. Dance to your rhythm. Run your race. Celebrate God’s Grace on your life. YOU have strengths! YOU have abilities! Show the world what you’ve got…because if you are not yourself, if you surrender your personality, you have nothing left to give the world. You have no pleasure, no use, nothing which will attract and charm people forever, for by the suppression of your individuality, you lose your distinctive character.

Many of us have seen little children take their first step in their quest to walk. We watch them wobble and fall so many times, yet they are not discouraged from trying again. In the end, they master the art of walking. You might fall many times in accomplishing your dreams, but don't give up or give in. I see success in the air!

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Sunday, July 4, 2010


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Like the SUN, we need to FALL before we can RISE, when it's SUNSET, it doesn't mean that the sun will never rise again, it simply means that it's time for something else to happen (night). It's the same with our lives. When we are HURT and DOWN, it doesn't mean we will remain down forever but it simply means it's another phase in life that we have to go through.

If we always pay close attention to SUNSET & SUNRISE, we would realize that after the sun has set, when it rises again it is most likely to SHINE brighter than the last time; indeed, it's the same with us (HUMANS). When we are down and defeated today, we can make sure we rise stronger, better, more courageous and bolder. No matter what you are going through now, remember always that though, the darkest time of the day is the minute before sunrise, SUNRISE IS JUST A MINUTE AWAY.

Each day will pass but as darkness sets in, rejoice. Give thanks that you survived the day that was, with all its good and bad, and as you arise tomorrow, let the rising sun be a reflection of your hope - renewed & always present; of your spirit - shining, even through the clouds. And let those with whom you come in contact feel your ever warming presence. SHINE!

Every SUNSET gives us one day less to LIVE, but every SUNRISE gives us one day more to HOPE. Let us hope for the best today and always. Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a CLOUD that the SUN couldn't SHINE through!

So love the SUN for it warms your body, yet love the rain for it cools your head. Love the LIGHT for it shows you the way, yet love the DARKNESS for it shows you the STARS. Welcome HAPPINESS for it enlarges your heart yet endure SADNESS for it opens your soul. Be grateful for everything, just enjoy every moment for none of it will happen the same way again.
Keep your face always toward the SUNSHINE - and SHADOWS will fall behind you!!!!

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Friday, July 2, 2010


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Some people have a way of saying THINGS that shake us at the CORE. Even when the words do not seem HARSH or OFFENSIVE, the impact is SHATTERING. What we could be experiencing is the INTENT behind the words.

When we INTEND to do GOOD, we do. When we intend to do HARM, it happens. What each of us must come to realize is that our INTENT always come through. We cannot sugarcoat the feelings in our heart of hearts. The EMOTION is the ENERGY that MOTIVATES. We cannot ignore what we really want to CREATE. We should be HONEST and do it the way we feel it. What we owe to ourselves and everyone around is to examine the REASONS of our true INTENT.

Our INTENT is the most powerful tool that we have, and can create so many things in our life. They can open up doorways we never thought possible. Our INTENT can be positive and encouraging or they can be negative and discouraging. They can be bad or good. They can be about success, or failure, or about being wealthy in life, or being of poor circumstances. Our INTENTS are what we choose them to be. The most important thing of all is that we recognize and understand that we are guided and directed by our INTENTS and purposes. They play a tremendous role in our day to day life, and in reality, a huge role in who/what we are today and who/what we will be in the future. Hence, today and in the future, we must have INTENTS and purposes that will shape us into who we dream of being. Our PURPOSE will direct us to where we want to go, and the action behind our INTENT will take us there.

Always bear in mind that thought leads to action, which leads to intent. Intent is the key. If it's HELPFUL and represents your TRUTH, it will allow your LIGHT to SHINE. Dust this intent on every decision you make and the path will be well LIT. You must believe in your PURPOSE with no doubts of self. Doubts will keep the COVER over your LIGHT. If you choose to REMOVE them, the POSSIBILITIES are limitless by all measures and standards. If you want to share this TRUTH, you must simply live it. All else will take care of itself. Do not be afraid. This is not something that requires the UNDERSTANDING and AFFIRMATION of others. IT IS TRUTH.

Remember always that life is not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about what we INTEND and actually doing, being and becoming. It's about the choices we've just made, and the ones we're about to make, it's about the things we intend and choose to say - today. IT'S ABOUT WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO AFTER WE FINISH READING THIS!'S INSPIRING MESSAGES

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