Thursday, July 22, 2010


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Those who are SENSITIVE often feel WEAK. Those who feel STRONG are often INSENSITIVE. Some people are SENSITIVE to themselves but INSENSITIVE to others. They often feel the others are "BAD GUYS." Those who are sensitive to others but insensitive to themselves often end up feeling “poor me”.

Some conclude it’s better not to be sensitive, because SENSITIVITY brings PAIN. They shut off. But bear in mind, if you are not sensitive, you will lose all the finer things in life such as intuition, beauty and ecstasy of love.

Insensitive people usually do not recognize their WEAKNESS and those who are sensitive do not recognize that their sensitivity is their STRENGTH.

This path and this Knowledge make you strong and sensitive.

Sensitivity is INTUITION. Sensitivity is COMPASSION. Sensitivity is LOVE. Sensitivity is real STRENGTH: calmness, endurance, silence, “non-reactiveness”, confidence, faith and a smile.

Indeed, in our culture, 75 per cent of men are THINKERS and 75 per cent of women are FEELERS. Keep in mind that THINKERS have FEELINGS and FEELERS do think. It’s just that they PROCESS situations with a different focus. (In working this out in your marriage or relationship keep in mind that) the HEAD can easily HURT the heart and the HEART often appears IRRATIONAL to the head. Like so many differences, BALANCE is the key. Truth without sensitivity can be CRUEL even a sensitivity without truth can be misguided sentimentality. We need both truth and sensitivity.

So be both SENSITIVE and STRONG!
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