Monday, July 12, 2010


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The beginning of TRUE LOVE is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to TWIST them to FIT our own image. Otherwise we only love the REFLECTION of ourselves we find in them.

Indeed, God could have created CLONES if He wanted SPOUSES to be CARBON COPIES of each other. Instead, He wants you and your UNIQUE QUALITIES to WORK with your spouse's unique characteristics. It's a bit like VISION. Close one eye; what happens? You lose depth perception cues. That's because you're VIEWING things from only one ANGLE. 

When you look with TWO eyes, the slightly different VANTAGE POINTS of each eye turn your vision into a 3-D experience. Instead of trying to make your mate “SEE THINGS YOUR WAY,” you can benefit from having different PERSPECTIVES. If you and your spouse view a situation from a slightly different vantage points, you can BLEND those views and see things more accurately than EITHER of you could INDIVIDUALLY! 

Women are especially GUILTY of expecting men to be EXACTLY like them. But couples need to ACCEPT that it's actually your DIFFERENCES that will maintain the PASSION in your relationship/marriage. In the beginning, you're often attracted to your SIMILARITIES, but as the relationship GROWS, it will be the CONTRASTS that keep it INTERESTING. Sure, it will CHALLENGE a couple, and ultimately FORCE them to respond to each other in new ways, but it's good to remember that humans are always in a state of FLUX, with things changing all the time. The more prepared you both are for ADJUSTMENTS, the SMOOTHER the RIDE will be.

Personally, i believe LOVE should be defined as “WHEN YOUR NEEDS ARE AS IMPORTANT AS MY NEEDS."  
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  1. I find it that men always would like to be with a woman who is loving and understanding. A strong woman who will be the CEO of a home. A partner in the building of a family. And men appreciate the difference between the two genders. However, men wishg to see a common ground when a plan on a family is devised and implemented. What I find very disturbing, when want men to be what they think they should be. Worse, women use the difference as a way of holding a man for ransom. The differences are about complementing not competition. They about to work out a perfect fit, not create tension over them. Tumelo Huma

  2. couldn't have said it better,..thanks
