Happiness is illusive and not easily attained by most; people are quick to tire of the normalcy of life. And search fruitlessly for things unattainable. To waste one's existence on the futile quest for something they already possess is one of life’s greatest disappointments. To enjoy what one has before it is gone is the true path to happiness.
Happiness is a very subjective factor in one's life. I believe being happy doesn't depend on achieving what you want, but rather making the best out of what is given. To be happy, don’t do whatever you like – like whatever you do. For, happiness comes not from having much to live ON, but having much to live FOR.
Life isn't fair, it never was. The only thing that can make you completely happy is contentment. The art of being happy lies in the power of finding contentment in ordinary things. Happiness is learning to appreciate every little blessing and finding the positive lessons in every hurt and failure. I've finally come to understand that whatever happens, all those stumbling blocks and problems have nothing to do with real happiness. Real happiness is facing yourself and learning to love what you see, flaws and all. It's taking enjoyment just from the process of being human. After all, life does not really force us to be the best; it only asks that we try. So be contented with what you have, but be sure to aim high and never stop believing you can do better every time.
Also, don't try to figure out where you'll find true happiness, because true happiness lies within you. And if you try to make others happy, happiness will find you. Happiness adds and multiplies as we divide it with others. Happiness is not something you have in your hands. It's something you carry in your heart. So waste no time and effort searching for peace, contentment and happiness in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out and share. For, happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself! Give it away generously and it will return to you a thousand fold.
Be the reason for someone's happiness, not just a part of it. Be a part of someone's sadness, but not the reason for it.
Happiness is not what you get from life but it is what you give to others.
Remember always that as we make our journey through life, we have so many things to savor and experience. There is no such thing as instant happiness or happiness that can be found somewhere. Live your life each day the same way you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance at the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point.
Happiness is indeed a JOURNEY, not a DESTINATION.
No one in this world can dictate to you where you can be happy, if you know where and what it is, go for it. Just remember: Happiness is not a destiny, it's a choice. The biggest lie on this planet is "When I get what I want, I will be happy." All things have a replacement, so when you get something you want, you lose something you need. But true happiness doesn't come from wealth - We don't need material wealth, a perfect job, or an exceptional relationship in order to be happy. In fact, it's possible to know happiness with no job, very little money, and no significant other, because happiness is a by-product of a healthy attitude. And a healthy attitude is one that takes the normal turmoil of life. You are in charge of your attitude today and happiness is a choice you can make for yourself regardless of what the people around you are doing!
Never let anyone make you feel that you don't deserve what you want. You are worthy of your happiness. What they say don't change anything, it doesn't change you, unless you let it.